Monday, July 26, 2010

Board Meeting Tonight - 7/26/2010 - Upper Pool

The July Board meeting will be held tonight at the upper pool at 6:30PM. Please attend. We are looking for input on the current painting project. Do you like the colors, have any questions about HO requirements?

See You all there,

Jeff Squires - Pres. La Cresta HOA

Friday, July 16, 2010

Walk-Thru Mon. 7/19/10 8AM

Please join us to walk the property with Property Management and landscaping and any other vendors to review the property. This month we will be doing the upper section.
Met at the Sabre Spring and Creekbridge entrance.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Color scheme and Phase map

Here is the color scheme and the map showing the phases that will be painted. Please contact Menas or Prime Co if you have any questions.