Saturday, December 8, 2012

After Christmas - Tree Removal Rules

After the holiday's Do Not Put the live (or Dead) trees in the trash area. The trash service will not take the trees. They should not be placed in the dumpsters or left in the enclosure areas. A good idea would be to contact the local Boy Scouts Troop # 682.

They are offering a pickup service for a small donation of $10 (min) and it will help out the local kids.

Contact them before Dec.31 2012 at - to reserve the pickup on Jan.5th. This also tax deductible if don before Jan.1st - Contact them for more info or check the flyer left at your front door last week.

Or go to their website : Click Here

Thanks again for your support of the local kids and keeping LaCresta clean. 

Enjoy the holidays and happy New Year..

The LaCresta HOA.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Meeting Change location and Day Nov. 26 2012

Dear HOA,

due to a scheduling issue with the school - we have to change the location of our next meeting to Marie Callendar’s Restaurant in Carmel Mtn Ranch. The time will still be 7pm for open meeting. We have also change the Day of the meeting from Monday nights to Tues. This will allow the board to attend the Sabre Spring South meetings since they have their meetings on the same night (Monday) so we will be posting a notice of all the changes for 2013. But the last meeting for 2012 will be at Marie Callendar’s at Carmel Mtn Ranch Center - next to Best Buy at 7pm Nov.27th

Please show up and let us know if you have any concerns or issues.

Also note there will NOT be a meeting in Dec. due to the holidays. See you all in Jan 2013 for the next regular meeting.

Thank you,

Jeff Squires
LaCresta HOA pres.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Board Meeting - Oct 22 2012

Meeting Place for HOA - 4th Monday of every Month

Morning Creek School Library, 10925 Morning Creek, San Diego, CA 92128.
Reminder that we will have our Board meeting tonight at the school. Come on by and let us know if you have any issues or just to say hi.. Always looking for homeowners to help out or join the board. Help make your Home better at LaCresta.

Also We will be changing the monthly meetings from Monday Nights to Tuesday night in the next month or so.. We will keep you up to date on this aster tonight's meeting. 

Thank you,

Jeff Squires - HOA Pres.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Annual Meeting 7/23/12 Upper Pool

Next Board Meeting at Upper Pool - This will be the Annual Meeting as well. We invite all Homeowners to attend. The meeting will be held 7/23/12 at the Upper Pool  at 6:30pm.