Monday, October 2, 2017

Trash Area at LaCresta

We now have a trash service at LaCresta, This will give us better recycling collection as well. We are also reducing our Cost..

There are 2 bins now, the One for recycling, the one for normal trash. We have posted signs in this area as well.

Please help and RECYCLE all you can.

Also DO NOT LEAVE OVER SIZE ITEMS IN THE DUMPSTER AREA.. Item oversized will not be picked up as part of the normal  trash collection. These items require an extra service call and as such they charge extra for this service. On Average $150 per area pickup.  Sometimes more if it is a larger or hazardous items.

These Items Include:
Mattress - Box Springs
Hot Water Heater
Appliances - Dishwasher - Washer /Dryer - TV
Tables - Chairs
Anything Larger than the dumpster or items not placed in the dumpster..

All of these items COST the HOA more money that is not part of the budget and in turn Cosyt all of the other owners MORE in DUES.. So Please have YOUR large items hauled away at your own cost NOT all of our Cost..

Thanks..La Crest HOA....

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