La Cresta HOA - Located in San Diego just north on the I-15 and west of Poway, Ca. This is a condo complex of 294 units in a very quite and pleasant bedroom community. This website is for Homeowners and people interested in LaCresta. Contact - PHOAC : 619.229.0044 |
PrimeCo Painting is completing the painting project soon and the Board invites you to look around your unit, patio area, back walls, doors and wooden eaves to see if there is anything that needs their attention.If you notice something, please contact their PrimeCo. Rep, Cherri Niizuma at (760) 967-8278 or via email at
Please let them know of your concerns prior to January 1, 2011.
“PrimeCo Painting is completing the painting project soon and the board invites you to look around your unit to see if there is anything that needs their attention. If you notice something, please contact their PrimeRep, Cherri Niizuma at (760) 967-8278 or via email at Please let them know of your concerns prior to (12/23/10?)”
Post – 12/7/10 - 12/17/10
Rider Alert!
Publicación del 7/12/10 – 17/12/10
Parking Structure Planned
for Sabre Springs/Peñasquitos Transit Station
Public Comment
on Draft Environmental Document
To support increasing demand for access to transit – both now and in the future – along
the Interstate 15 corridor, the San Diego Association of Governments will add 500 parking
spaces to the existing 150 at the Sabre Springs/Peñasquitos Transit Station.
Plans call for the construction of a four-story parking structure at the existing station.
Construction is expected to begin by mid-2011 and last about one year. While the station
is closed, Premium Express service will be provided at nearby Park & Ride locations. Routes
820 and 860 will be enhanced to provide a similar level of service as currently offered
at the transit station. Access through the station and the Direct Access Ramp to the I-15
Express Lanes will remain open. Further information will be provided soon.
Comment on the Draft Environmental Document
SANDAG has prepared a draft mitigated negative declaration on the Sabre Springs/
Peñasquitos Transit Station parking structure project.
Review it and other information at or at
401 B Street, Suite 800,
San Diego, CA 92101.
Comments are due by
December 17, 2010.
Submit comments to Rob Rundle at the
address above, via e-mail at, or by fax at
(619) 699-1905.
The painting has started on the lower section now, but due to the rain it has slowed down a little. They may be painting on a few weekend to get caught up. But the painting is progressing well with very few issues.If you do have any issues lease report it to the crew or contact Menas Management.
The painting is moving right along, on track and on time. The upper section will be completed in the few weeks and the lower section at the east end will start. For all of the Homeowners that have been painted, please let the painters know if they have any touch up to do in the patios and the back of the units. The inspection can not be done to each unit behind the patio walls.
The July Board meeting will be held tonight at the upper pool at 6:30PM. Please attend. We are looking for input on the current painting project. Do you like the colors, have any questions about HO requirements?
Please join us to walk the property with Property Management and landscaping and any other vendors to review the property. This month we will be doing the upper section.
Met at the Sabre Spring and Creekbridge entrance.
PrimeCo Painting, Inc. has been hired by the association to paint the exteriors of the residential buildings and the common area items including the pool houses, mailboxes & trash areas.
The painting will start in the community on or about June 21th, 2010. Here are some things you must do:
1. Remove all hooks, nails, screws and personal property, including flag pole mounts, from all wood and stucco surfaces, including back yard walls to be painted. Note: If you fail to remove these items, the Association (HOA) will have the contractor remove them and you will be billed for their time at the rate of $55/hour with a minimum of 1 hour. Items will be placed at the front door. (DO NOT Re-Install them in the stucco or wood see -CC&R) This includes hooks and nails for holiday lights or personal items above doors.
2. Trim shrubbery back 12” from surfaces to be painted in your exclusive use area. The inside patio walls, must be accessible since we are changing the color. If not we can provide the color codes and the Homeowner(HO) will be able to paint them later at their own expense.
3. Remove or center items on your patio so that we have access to the painted surfaces.
4. Satellite Dishes that are strapped to the chimney will need to be removed for a few days, when the painting is being done. Please contact your dish provider and arrange to have this done. (You may want to consider having it installed on a pole in your patio area instead). If it is not done at the time of painting it will be covered and the HOA will charged the HO to come back and touch up the paint at a later time under the straps.
PrimeCo is a licensed general contractor and has agreed to work with individuals to
paint homeowner-responsibility items or to provide necessary wood replacement services. (Not paid for by HOA) You will receive a notice on your door to advise you further. All wood replacement work must be done prior to the painting project.
Please watch for flyers on your front door – these will advise you when your particular residence will be painted. They will be posted 5 days prior to work being done on your unit to permit you time to properly prepare.
Please follow the instructions on the notices you receive, as the Association, the Management Company, and the Painting Contractor will not be responsible for damage or overspray to personal items not moved or protected as the flyers direct.
If you have any questions regarding the paint project or painting/repairs of your personal property, please contact PrimeCo Rep, Cherri Roland at or (800) 881-8067.
Next HOA meeting at the Upper Pool will be for all Homeowners. Please attend and let us know how we are doing. Input from homeowners is the only way we know what needs to be done to improve. Come by and say hi if nothing else. Meeting will start at 6PM at the upper pool.
As you know LaCresta is part of the Sabre Spring South HOA as well as our own. What happens around our property is in a large part maintained by the SSS HOA. How our dollars are spent is done by that board. So have a good board is important. Craig Levitt use to live in La Cresta and you all know him from his real estate business and the great work he does in our community. So please when you mail in your votes, write Craigs name in as a Write in Candidate. We need his support on the board.
Please join us for the next Board Meeting on Monday Mar. 22 at the school. We hope to close on the election vote, we are 1 vote short at this point. If you have not voted please stop with your vote in person. A few of the topics this month will be the painting, landscape and the budget for 2010-2011.
Please attend and give us feedback on our latest projects or issues you have for the board.
It is normally done the 3rd Monday of the month, but due to the holiday we have moved it to the 4th Monday this month. So join us at 7:30 Am at the main entrance circle. We will be inspecting the upper section with property management and the landscape crew.
As you all can see from the last few days and the forecast for the next few days, we are in the rainy season. Please report and wind or rain damage to the property manager. Report any roof leaks ASAP, so that they don't cause to much damage to the walls or ceiling. Report and trees down or large branches that may have come down from the wind and rain. As you all know we need the rain, but not all at once.. Please be safe and let us know if you see any problems..
Also the concrete driveways and sidewalks work that was to start this week has been put off til we have a clear weather window for the work to be done in 1 week.
We have a report of a company - Pacific Home Remodeling, going door to door and claiming they are approved to install new windows at La Cresta, they also claim to be doing or have done other units at LaCresta. This is not true , they are NOT APPROVED to do this at La Cresta and all window replacements must be approved by the HOA before any work is done. Please contact Menas Property Management if they have contacted you or if you plan on replacing the windows or do any kind of re-modeling.
There are a few complaints on this company with the BBB and the state contractors board. Please make sure you alway check out service companies before signing anything.