Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year - New Meeting Place - HOA Monthly meetings

I would like to let everyone know that due to some changes with the schools meeting booking and cost, we have moved the monthly meetings to the Keller Williams real estate offices in Sabre Springs  at the corner of Sabre Springs Pkwy and Evening Creek - The Realtor Ladies - Vanessa and Jahida were kind enough to help us out with this change. A couple of great ladies supporting the HOA. This will be a nice upgrade as well to the meetings and easier to find and attend. So in 2019, please plan on attending at least once. See you on the 4th Tues on the month at 6:30pm.
Contact the ladies at - if you need any real estate help as well.

Keller Williams Office - 13000 Sabre Springs Pkwy #100 - San Diego CA. 92128