Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Holidays are over - Lights and trees

Well here it is the first week of Feb. and the Holidays are done. We hope all of the LaCresta members had a great Holiday. I would like to report that we only had a few Xmas trees end up in the trash areas, this was down quite a bit from last year. So Thank You all for  following the rules and not having the HOA pay extra for the removal. Also it looks like everyone has removed the light from the units in a very timing manner. Thanks Again.

As for the New Year, we have a few plans to make some improvements on the property this year, come to the next Board Meeting ( Now On Tuesdays) and see what we have planned.

The last of the trellises will be done in the next month so we are proud that the final set of old wood will be gone and the new vinyl will be installed. These will last much longer and require little or no maintenance by the HOA.

Please share this site with others on the property as well, we would like more of them to stay on top of the LaCresta news this way.

Thanks Again and Have a great 2013.

Jeff Squires
HOA Pres, 

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